In Print

Leica Foto International LFI

Mississippi Delta poor and rich: Daily life and traditions in the home of the Blues (English Edition) by Stephan Lina

La Fotografia Magazine

Tenuous Roots —Raíces Ténues (Spanish Edition)

Oxford Magazine Tearsheets

Oxford American, a magazine of the South


An Introduction to Magdalena Solé’s New Delta Rising by Rick Bragg


Chinese National Academy of Arts Magazine

In 2011 eight photographers were sponsored by High Noon Culture & Art Corp to participate in a sponsored forum in Zhengzhou, China. Their photographs, taken at the Yuntaishan UNESCO Site, were published in the Chinese National Academy of Arts Magazine.

South x Southeast

South x Southeast magazine highlights the work of documentary photographers in the American South founded by Nancy McCrary. South x Southeast is housed in the barn built by Nancy’s Grandfather in 1930 on her fourth-generation family farm.

Sketchbook Cleveland State University, MS

Kappa Pi Welcomes Honorary Member Magdalena Solé